keeps on rollin' along...

cool review out of brooklyn with some nice pictures

   Chris Robinson and his Brotherhood decamped from a few of the finer enclaves of California to play a show for some very happy folks in Brooklyn last night. “Glad you all could make it,” said Robinson a couple of songs into the first set. “This is our party.” Then he joked:

 “We just hitchhiked from Felton, California. We’re gonna take a break and show the photos.” Oddly enough, with his bohemian nature, it wouldn’t have been too surprising if they had. Instead, the band jammed through a roots-rock revival of a show, drawing on material ranging from new originals to New Earth Mud tunes to well-chosen and masterfully executed covers like Dylan’s “Tough Mama.” For fans, this was a win-win show: The chance to see a great band play two sets in an intimate venue, for the bargain price of $20. It was plainly evident how deep and wandering the guys in the band’s love for creating music runs, and they were having just about as much fun as anyone in the crowd. By show’s end it felt less like a finite Brotherhood than it did a budding fellowship. —JC McIlwaine

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