A Blogger's Tribute to the life and times of a modern day rock legend
2007 Statistics and Setlists
Number of Chris Robinson Shows
1990: 210 (w/ The Black Crowes)
1991: 146 (w/ The Black Crowes)
1992: 113 (w/ The Black Crowes)
1993: 85 (w/ The Black Crowes)
1994: 14 (w/ The Black Crowes)
1995: 137 (w/ The Black Crowes)
1996: 74 (w/ The Black Crowes)
1997: 65 (w/ The Black Crowes)
1998: 63 (w/ The Black Crowes)
1999: 117 (w/ The Black Crowes)
2000: 13 (w/ The Black Crowes)
2001: 107 (w/ The Black Crowes)
2002: 39 (w/ The New Earth Mud)
2003: 62 (w/ The New Earth Mud)
2004: 49 (46 w/ The New Earth Mud, 3 w/Phil & Friends)
2005: 145 (129 w/The Black Crowes, 17 w/Phil & Friends)
2006: 120 (106 w/The Black Crowes, 14 w/Brothers of a Feather)
2007: 065 (060 w/TBC, 2 w/BoaF, 3 w/The Wooden Family)
2007 Openers: {16} (65 shows)
1. Descending (1).....4-03-07
2. Cursed Diamond (1).....4-04-07
3. Sunday Sound (1)....5-18-07
4. Eagles on the Highway (1)......5-19-07
5. Cut From The Shadow (1).....5-20-07
6. Sting Me (1)......6-15-07
7. Wiser Time (21)......6-16-07
8. No Speak No Slave (12).....8-03-07
9. Virtue and Vice (7).....8-04-07
10. (Only) Halfway to Everywhere (9).....8-07-07
11. Soul Singing (1).....8-17-07
12. Remedy (1)....8-29-07
13. Twice As Hard (1).....9-02-07
14. Don't Do It (4)......10-10-07
15. Waiting Guilty (2).....10-19-07
16. Give Peace A Chance (1).....10-31-07
2007 First Timers (14) 59 shows:
1. Heart's On Fire* (1)(W.Egan/T.Guidera)........04-03-07
2. Saddle My Pony* (3)(C.Robinson/R.Robinson)....04-04-07
3. Rockin' Chair* (1)(R.Robertson)......04-04-07
4. New Speedway Boogie** (2)(Garcia/Hunter)......05-18-07
5. Nothing Was Delivered** (2)(C.Robinson)....05-18-07
6. Clear Blue Skies** (2)(C.Robinson)..05-19-07
7. Here Without You** (1)(C.Robinson)....05-19-07
8. Tomorrow Blues** (2)(C.Robinson).....05-19-07
9. Too Far Gone** (1)(C.Robinson)......05-19-07
10. Help Yourself** (1)(C.Robinson).......05-20-07
11. Star-Crossed Lonely Sailor** (1)(C.Robinson).05-20-07
12. Old Man Trouble (1)(O.Redding).....08-12-07
13. Isn't It About Time^~ (9) (S.Stills).....08-16-07
14. Meantown Blues (4)(J.Winter).....08-26-07
15. Everybody I Love You (5)(CSNY).....9-28-07
16. Senor (1)(Bob Dylan).....9-29-07
*BoaF - Brothers of a Feather w/ Chris and Rich Robinson
**Chris Robinson's Wooden Family
2007 Longest Number of Shows Between Plays
Shapes Of Things....4 yr,0 mos... {387}
Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere.....6 yrs, 3mos {356}
Yer Blues.....1 yr, 1 mo {78}
Do Right Woman.....1 yr, 1 mo {75}
Can't You Hear Me Knockin'....1 yr,0 mos....{55}
2007 Special Guests (7) 59 shows:
1. Sven Pipien - bass/guitar (Atlanta).....04-04-07
sat in entire set
2. Luther Dickinson - guitar - (New York City).....08-09-07
"Downtown Money Waster" > "Jam" > "Thorn"
3. Luther Dickinson - guitar - (New York City).....08-12-07
"Wiser Time" > "Jam" > "My Morning Song"
4. Jimmy Herring (G) (Atlanta).....08-26-07
"Meantown Blues"-"Dreams"
5. Luther Dickinson (G) (Orange Beach).....08-28-07
"My Morning Song"-"Meantown Blues"
6. Luther Dickinson (G) (Red Rocks).......09-9-07
"My Morning Song"-"Meantown Blues"
7. Luther Dickinson (G) (Denver).....9-16-07
played guitar for entire set
8. Patti Smith - (V) (New York City)....10/31/07
Chris on guitar:
Not yet updated
2007 - The Sets:
Brothers Of A Feather:
April 3, 2007 - Center Stage - Atlanta, GA (Tue)
Descending, Wiser Time, Darling Of The Underground Press, This Is The Way, Good Friday, Hearts On Fire, Girl From The North Country, Soul Singing, Thunderstorm 6:54 PM, Let It Be Gone, Thorn In My Pride, Better When You're Not Alone, Welcome To The Goodtimes, You Don't Miss Your Water, Girl From A Pawnshop, Jealous Again, She Talks To Angels
e: Boomer's Story, Roll Um Easy
(No Taping Allowed)
(First and Only "Heart's On Fire")
Brothers Of A Feather:
April 4, 2007 - Variety Playhouse - Atlanta, GA (Wed)
Cursed Diamond, Under A Mountain, Horsehead, My Heart's Killing Me, Cold Boy Smile, Nonfiction, Saddle My Pony, Rockin' Chair*, Thorn In My Pride, Miracle To Me, Polly, Bring On Bring On, Welcome To The Goodtimes, Pardon My Heart*, Leave It Alone, Wiser Time, She Talks To Angels
e: No Expectations, Beware Of Darkness*#
(No Taping Allowed)
(First "Saddle My Pony" - First "Rockin' Chair")
(Sven Pipien-{bass} sat in whole show)-(*Sven vocals)-(#Sven guitar)
Chris Robinson's Wooden Family:
May 18, 2007 - Grand Ballroom - San Francisco, CA (Fri)
Sunday Sound, Sweet Mental Revenge, Eagles On The Highway > New Speedway Boogie, Someday Past The Sunset, Saddle My Pony, Tumbleweed In Eden, Nothing Was Delivered
(Chris Robinson(v,g), Jonathon Wilson (g,v), George Reiff (b,v))
(First "New Speedway Boogie" - First "Nothing Was Delivered")
Chris Robinson's Wooden Family:
May 19, 2007 - Fernwood Resort - Big Sur, CA (Sat)
Eagles On The Highway, New Speedway Boogie, Someday Past The Sunset, Train Robbers, Clear Blue Skies, Here Without You, Tomorrow Blues, Silver Car, Long Black Veil, He Was A Friend Of Mine, Sweet Mental Revenge, Saddle My Pony, Nothing Was Delivered
e: Too Far Gone, You Ain't Going Nowhere
(Chris Robinson(V,G), Jonathon Wilson (G,V), George Reiff (B,V))
(First "Clear Blue Skies" -First "Here Without You")
(First "Tomorrow Blues" - First "Too Far Gone")
Chris Robinson's Wooden Family:
May 20, 2007 - Big Sur - California (Sun)
Cut From The Shadows, Sunday Sound, Forever Young, Like A Tumbleweed In Eden, Clear Blue Skies, Polly, Mother Of Stone, Help Yourself, He Was A Friend Of Mine*, Star Crossed Lonely Sailor, Tomorrow Blues
e: Driving Wheel
(Chris Robinson(V,G), Jonathon Wilson (G,V), George Reiff (B,V))
(First "Help Yourself" - First "Star Crossed Lonely Sailor")
(w/ Andy(v) and Kevin Currituch(g))
1396. June 15, 2007 - Jubilee Jam - Jackson, MS (Fri)
Sting Me, Jealous Again, Twice As Hard, Good Friday, By Your Side, Wiser Time, She Talks To Angels, Thorn In My Pride, Soul Singing, High Head Blues, Remedy
(*35th Show with Paul Stacey and Rob Clores)
1397. June 16, 2007 - Music Box @ The Fonda Theater - Los Angeles, CA (Sat)
Wiser Time, Shake Your Money Maker, Sting Me, Share The Ride > Mellow Down Easy, Soul Singing, Seeing Things, By Your Side, Thorn In My Pride, She Talks To Angels, Oh Well, Remedy
1398. June 24, 2007 - Jazz Aspen - Aspen, CO (Sun)
Wiser Time, Sting Me, Jealous Again, Bad Luck Blue Eyes Goodbye, Soul Singing, Seeing Things, Gone, Thorn In My Pride, She Talks To Angels, Oh Well, Remedy
e: Twice As Hard
1399. July 3, 2007 - Kresge Auditorium - Interlochen, MI (Tue)
Wiser Time, Sting Me, Hotel Illness, Thick N' Thin, Jealous Again, Can't You Hear Me Knocking, My Morning Song > Saddle My Pony > My Morning Song, Girl From A Pawnshop, Gone, Soul Singing, Oh Well, Sometimes Salvation, High Head Blues, She Talks To Angels
e: Boomer's Story, Remedy
(Last "Can't You Hear Me Knockin'" 7-19-06 {55})
1400. July 4, 2007 - Summerfest - Milwaukee, WI (Wed)
Wiser Time, Sting Me, Jealous Again, Bad Luck Blue Eyes Goodbye, Soul Singing, Seeing Things, Gone, Thorn In My Pride, She Talks To Angels, Hotel Illness, Twice As Hard, Remedy
e: Can't You Hear Me Knockin'
1401. July 6, 2007 - Taste Of Chicago - Chicago, IL (Fri)
Wiser Time, Sting Me, Jealous Again, Bad Luck Blue Eyes Goodbye, Soul Singing, Seeing Things, Gone, Thorn In My Pride, She Talks To Angels, Twice As Hard, Hard To Handle, Remedy
(*40th show with Paul Stacey and Rob Clores)
1402. July 7, 2007 - Leach Amphitheater - Oshkosh, WI (Sat)
Wiser Time, Sting Me, Black Moon Jam > Black Moon Creeping, Sister Luck, High Head Blues, Comin' Home, My Morning Song, Girl From The North Country, Hotel Illness, Soul Singing, Sometimes Salvation, Jealous Again, Remedy
e: Can't You Hear Me Knocking
1403. July 8, 2007 - Warfield - San Francisco, CA (Sun)
Wiser Time, Sting Me, Jealous Again, Coming Home, Soul Singing, Virtue And Vice, Gone, Thorn In My Pride, She Talks To Angels, Hotel Illness, Twice As Hard, Remedy
e: Hard To Handle
(*42nd show with Paul Stacey and Rob Clores)
(Final show for Rob Clores - unknown reasons)
July 10, 2007 - Live At The Roxy - Los Angeles, CA (Tue)
Horsehead, Cursed Diamond, Over The Hill, Magic Rooster Blues, My Heart’s Killing Me, Forgiven Song, Someday Past The Sunset, Roll Um Easy, Cold Boy Smile, Driving Wheel, Leave It Alone, Polly, Darling Of The Underground Press, Thorn In My Pride
(Official Release of "Brothers of A Feather")
July 30, 2007 - Late Show w/David Letterman - New York, NY (Mon)
Wiser Time
(Chris and Rich Robinson)
(taped for original broadcast scheduled on 08/03/2007)
(additional guest: Glenn Close & Judd Apatow)
(Brothers Of A Feather acoustic performance)
1404. August 3, 2007 - Musikfest - Bethlehem, PA (Fri)
No Speak No Slave*, Gone*, Sting Me*, My Morning Song*, Girl From A Pawnshop*, Jealous Again*, Hotel Illness*, Downtown Money Waster* > Jam* > Thorn In My Pride*, Soul Singing*, Wiser Time*, Remedy*
e: Boomer's Story*
(1st show w/A.MacDougall)
(*1st time played w/A.MacDougall (14))
(43rd show w/ Paul Stacey)
1405. August 4, 2007 - Innsbrook Pavilion - Glen Allen, VA (Sat)
Virtue And Vice*, Black Moon Jam* > Black Moon Creeping*, Sting Me, Comin' Home*, Soul Singing, Bad Luck Blue Eyes Goodbye*, Nonfiction* > Jam* > Thorn In My Pride, Paint An 8*, High Head Blues*, Ballad In Urgency* > Wiser Time, Twice As Hard*
(Last "Paint an 8" 9-22-06 {34})
(2nd show w/ Adam MacDougall - *1st time played w/A.MacDougall (11))
1406. August 5, 2007 - Belmont Club - Ashburn, VA (Sun)
Wiser Time, Seeing Things*, Jealous Again, Sting Me, My Morning Song, Sister Luck*, Hotel Illness, Share The Ride* > Mellow Down Easy*, She Gave Good Sunflower*, Soul Singing, Remedy
e: She Talks To Angels*
(3rd show w/ Adam MacDougall - *1st time played w/A.MacDougall(6))
(45th show w/ Paul Stacey)
1407. August 7, 2007 - Sonar - Baltimore, MD (Tue)
(Only) Halfway To Everywhere*, Greasy Grass River*, Feathers*, Nonfiction > Jam > My Morning Song, High Head Blues, Ride A Pony*, Under A Mountain*, She Gave Good Sunflower, Jealous Again, Wiser Time
e: Oh Well*
(4th show w/A.MacDougall - *1st time played w/A.MacDougall (6))
1408. August 9, 2007 - Summerstage - New York, NY (Thu)
No Speak No Slave, Gone, Sting Me, My Morning Song, Sister Luck, Jealous Again, Hotel Illness, Downtown Money Waster# > Jam# > Thorn In My Pride#, Soul Singing, Sometimes Salvation*, Wiser time, Remedy
e: Oh Well
((*1st time played w/A.MacDougall (1)- 5th show w/ Adam MacDougall)
(#w/Luther Dickinson)
1409. August 10, 2007 - ICONS Festival - Canton, MA (Fri)
Wiser Time, Jealous Again, Good Friday*, By Your Side*, Sting Me, Soul Singing > Jam > Thorn In My Pride, Sometimes Salvation, High Head Blues, Twice As Hard, Remedy
e: She Talks To Angels
(6th show w/ Adam MacDougall - *1st time played w/A.MacDougall(2))
1410. August 12, 2007 - Borgata - Atlantic City, NJ (Sun)
Virtue And Vice, Seeing Things, She Gave Good Sunflower, Comin' Home, Ballad In Urgency > Wiser Time#, Jam# > My Morning Song#, Ole Man Trouble*, By Your Side, Hard To Handle*, She Talks To Angels, No Speak No Slave
e: Shapes Of Things*
(First "Ole Man Trouble" - Otis Redding)
(Last "Shapes of Things" w/J.Page 8-12-00 {378})
(#w/Luther Dickinson)
(*1st time played w/A.MacDougall (3)- 7th show w/ A.MacDougall)
1411. August 14, 2007 - Cape Cod Melody Tent - Hyannis, MA (Tue)
(Only) Halfway To Everywhere, Gone, Sting Me, Jam > Black Moon Creeping, Cosmic Friend*, Twice As Hard, Girl From A Pawnshop*, Soul Singing, Darling Of The Underground Press*, Jam > My Morning Song, High Head Blues > Jam, Jealous Again, Thorn In My Pride, Remedy
e: She Talks To Angels, Shapes Of Things, Oh Well
(*1st time played w/A.MacDougall (2)- 8th show w/A.MacDougall)
(50th show w/ Paul Stacey)
1412. August 16, 2007 - Pines Theater - Northampton, MA (Thu)
Wiser Time, Welcome To The Goodtimes*, Jam > Greasy Grass River, Hotel Illness, My Morning Song > Heartbreak Hotel Jam > My Morning Song, Bad Luck Blue Eyes Goodbye, Isn't It About Time*^~, High Head Blues, Soul Singing, Jealous Again > Thorn In My Pride, Remedy, Virtue And Vice
e: Can't You Hear Me Knocking*
(First "Isn't It About Time")
(^Chris guitar (1) - ~Rich lead vocals)
(*1st time played w//A.MacDougall (3))
1413. August 17, 2007 - Ives Concert Park - Danbury, CT (Fri)
Soul Singing, Sting Me, Horsehead*, Twice As Hard, Jam > Black Moon Creeping, Sister Luck, My Morning Song, Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere*^~, Feathers, Under A Mountain, Nonfiction > Jam, She Gave Good Sunflower, Thorn In My Pride
e: Willin'*
(Last "Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere" 5-19-01 {356})
(^Chris guitar (3) - ^Rich lead vocals)
(*1st time played w/A.MacDougall (3)- 10th show w/A.MacDougall)
1414. August 18, 2007 - Baystock Festival - Portland, ME (Sat)
No Speak No Slave, Sting Me, Gone, Good Friday, My Morning Song > Jam, Seeing Things, Comin' Home, Ballad in Urgency > Wiser Time, Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere^~, Thorn In My Pride, She Talks To Angels
e: Jealous Again, Remedy
(^Chris guitar (1) - ~Rich lead vocals)
(Technical difficulties during "She Talks To Angels")
1415. August 21, 2007 - House Of Blues - Myrtle Beach, SC (Tue)
(Only) Halfway To Everywhere, Jam > Black Moon Creeping, Sting Me, Jealous Again, My Morning Song, Sister Luck, Soul Singing, Isn't It About Time^~, High Head Blues, Descending*, Thorn in My Pride, Twice As Hard
e: Forever Young*
(^Chris guitar (1) - ~Rich lead vocals)
(Last "Forever Young-TBC" 10-8-06)
(*1st time played w/A.MacDougall (2))
1416. August 22, 2007 - Tennessee Theater - Knoxville, TN (Wed)
Virtue And Vice, Nebakanezer*, Greasy Grass River, Nonfiction, Twice As Hard, Ballad In Urgency > Wiser Time, Welcome To The Goodtimes, Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere^~*, Soul Singing, Downtown Money Waster, Thorn In My Pride, Jealous Again, Remedy
e: Shapes Of Things
(^Chris guitar (1) - ~Rich lead vocals)
(*1st time played w/A.MacDougall (2))
(55th show w/P.Stacey)
1417. August 24, 2007 - House Of Blues - Orlando, FL (Fri)
Wiser Time, Gone, Sting Me, Jealous Again, Good Friday, My Morning Song, Miracle To Me*, Isn't It About Time, Soul Singing, She Talks To Angels, Cosmic Friend, Thorn In My Pride, Hard To Handle, Remedy
e: Boomer's Story
(*1st time played w/A.MacDougall (1))
1418. August 25, 2007 - Mizner Park Amphitheater - Boca Raton, FL (Sat)
No Speak No Slave, Jam > Black Moon Creeping, Horsehead, Cypress Tree*, Ballad In Urgency > Wiser Time, My Morning Song, Welcome To The Goodtimes, Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere^~, Soul Singing, High Head Blues, Twice As Hard, Thorn In My Pride
e: Don't Do It*
(^Chris guitar (1) - ~Rich lead vocals)
(First "Don't Do It" encore)
(*1st time played w/A.MacDougall (2) - 15th show w/A.MacDougall)
1419. August 26, 2007 - Chastain Park - Atlanta, GA (Sun)
Virtue And Vice, Sting Me, Comin' Home, Cursed Diamond*, Seeing Things, Soul Singing, My Morning Song, Sister Luck, Isn't It About Time, Jealous Again, Downtown Money Waster, Thorn In My Pride, Mean Town Blues#*, Dreams#*, Remedy
e: She Talks To Angels, Shapes Of Things
(First "Mean Town Blues")
(#w/Jimmy Herring)
(*1st time played w/A.MacDougall (3) - 16th show w/A.MacDougall)
1420. August 28, 2007 - The Wharf - Orange Beach, AL (Tue)
Wiser Time, Sting Me, Jam > Black Moon Creeping, Cosmic Friend, Thorn In My Pride, Bad Luck Blue Eyes Goodbye, Isn't It About Time, My Morning Song#, Mean Town Blues#,
Nonfiction, Jealous Again, Soul Singing, Remedy
e: Willin'
(#w/Luther Dickinson)
(17th show w/A.MacDougall)
(North Mississippi AllStars opened)
1421. August 29, 2007 - Ryman Auditorium - Nashville, TN (Wed)
Remedy, Sting Me, Gone, Seeing Things, My Morning Song, Polly*, Sweet Mental Revenge*, She*, Lost My Driving Wheel*, Girl From The North Country*, Jam > Thorn In My Pride, Jealous Again, Soul Singing, Wiser Time, Virtue And Vice
e: Don't Do It
(First "Sweet Mental Revenge" w/TBC)
(Last "Remedy" opener 10-27-01 {274})
(*1st time w/A.MacDougall (5)- 18th show w/A.MacDougall)
(60th show w/P.Stacey)
("Sweet Mental Revenge?" Rumor has Owen Wilson linked to botched suicide attempt and heroin addiction)
1422. August 31, 2007 - On The Waterfront - Rockford, IL (Fri)
Wiser Time, Sting Me, Jam > Black Moon Creeping, Twice As Hard, Good Friday, My Morning Song, High Head Blues, Share The Ride, By Your Side, Soul Singing, Jealous Again, Remedy
e:Oh Well
1423. September 1, 2007 - Crossroads - Kansas City, MO (Sat)
Wiser Time, Soul Singing, Jealous Again, Hotel Illness, Cypress Tree, Sister Luck, My Morning Song, Isn't It About Time^~, Welcome To The Goodtimes^, Downtown Money Waster > Jam > Thorn In My Pride, Hard To Handle
e: Don't Do It^
(^Chris guitar {3} - ~Rich lead vocals)
(20th show w/A.MacDougall)
1424. September 2, 2007 - Billy Bobs - Ft. Worth, TX (Sun)
Twice As Hard, Jam > Black Moon Creeping, Sting Me, Comin' Home, Ballad In Urgency >
Wiser Time, My Morning Song, Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere^~, By Your Side, She, Jam > Thorn In My Pride, Remedy
e: Oh Well
(^Chris guitar (1) - ~Rich lead vocals)
(Last "Twice As Hard" opener 5-10-95 {780 shows ago!}
1425. September 4, 2007 - Verizon Wireless Amphitheater - Houston, TX (Tue)
(Only) Halfway To Everywhere, Gone > Sting Me, Jealous Again, Good Friday, My Morning Song, Isn't It About Time^~, Nebakanezer, Feathers, Soul Singing, Wiser Time, Jam > Thorn In My Pride
e: Can't You Hear Me Knocking
(^Chris guitar (1) - ~Rich lead vocals)
1426. September 5, 2007 - Backyard - Austin, TX (Wed)
No Speak No Slave, Sting Me, Horsehead, My Morning Song, Descending, Darling Of The Underground Press, She Gave Good Sunflower, Soul Singing, Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere^~, Wiser Time, Jam > Thorn In My Pride, Jealous Again, Remedy
e: Lost My Drivin' Wheel^
(^Chris guitar (2) - ~Rich lead vocals)
(65th show w/P.Stacey)
1427. September 7, 2007 - Zoo Amphitheater - Oklahoma, OK (Fri)
Wiser Time, Jealous Again, Sting Me, Jam > Black Moon Creeping, Good Friday, My Morning Song > Catfish Blues > My Morning Song, High Head Blues, Remedy, Jam > Thorn In My Pride
e: Oh Well
1428. September 8, 2007 - Paolo Soleri - Santa Fe, NM (Sat)
No Speak No Slave, Greasy Grass River, Sting Me, Comin' Home, Ballad In Urgency > Wiser Time, My Morning Song, Girl From A Pawnshop, Isn't It About Time^~, Soul Singing, Remedy, Jam > Thorn In My Pride, Jealous Again
e: Shapes Of Things*
(^Chris guitar (1) - ~Rich lead vocals)
(*1st time played w/A.MacDougall - 25th show w/A.MacDougall)
1429. September 9, 2007 - Red Rocks - Morrison, CO (Sun)
(Only) Halfway To Everywhere, Gone > Sting Me, Jealous Again, Descending, Downtown Money Waster > Jam > Thorn In My Pride, Sometimes Salvation, Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere^~, My Morning Song#, Mean Town Blues#, Remedy
e: Can't You Hear Me Knocking
(^Chris guitar (1) - ~Rich lead vocals)
(# w/Luther Dickinson (G))
(NMAS opened)
1430. September 16, 2007 - Brews and Blues Festival - Telluride, CO (Sun)
Wiser Time, Jealous Again, Sting Me, Soul Singing, Seeing Things, My Morning Song, Mean Town Blues, Sister Luck, High Head Blues, She Talks To Angels, Thorn In My Pride, Remedy
e: Shapes Of Things
(Luther Dickinson played guitar for entire show - No Paul Stacey)
(Paul is rumored to be in London putting touches on new album)
1431. September 28, 2007 - Les Schwab Amphitheater - Bend, OR (Fri)
Wiser Time > Jam > Black Moon Creeping, Sting Me, Bad Luck Blue Eyes Goodbye, My Morning Song, High Head Blues, Nonfiction > Jam, Everybody I Love You, Jealous Again, She Talks To Angels, Soul Singing, Remedy
e: Oh Well
(First "Everybody I Love You")
1432. September 29, 2007 - Crystal Ballroom - Portland, OR (Sat)
(Only) Halfway To Everywhere, Sting Me, Twice As Hard, Paint An 8, Cosmic Friend, Sometimes Salvation, Senor, My Morning Song, Everybody I Love You, Ballad In Urgency > Wiser Time, Soul Singing, Jam > Thorn in My Pride
e: Boomer's Story
(First "Senor")
(Last "Paint an 8" 8-o4-o7 {27})-(Last "Boomers" 8-24-o7 {15})
1433. September 30, 2007 - McDonald Theater - Eugene, OR (Sun)
No Speak No Slave > Gone, Hotel Illness, Greasy Grass River, Sister Luck, Darling Of The Underground Press, My Morning Song, Rockin' Chair, Soul Singing, Girl From A Pawnshop, Jealous Again, Thorn In My Pride
e: Girl From The North Country
(First TBC "Rockin' Chair")
1434. October 2, 2007 - Paramount Theater - Seattle, WA (Tue)
Virtue And Vice, Gone, Sting Me, Cypress Tree, Good Friday, Soul Singing, Everybody I Love You^~, My Morning Song, You Don't Miss Your Water^, Downtown Money Waster > Jam > Thorn In My Pride
e: Don't Do It
(^Chris guitar(2) - ~Rich shared lead vocals)
(Last "You Don't Miss Your Water" 4-3-07 {39}
(The Buffalo Killers opened the show)
1435. October 3, 2007 - Big Easy Concert House - Boise, ID (Wed)
Wiser Time, Sting Me, Jealous Again, Jam > Black Moon Creeping, Sister Luck, My Morning Song, Rockin' Chair, High Head Blues, Soul Singing, By Your Side > Thorn In My Pride, Remedy
e: Oh Well
(The Buffalo Killers opened the show)
1436. October 5, 2007 - Paramount Theatre - Oakland, CA (Fri)
No Speak No Slave, Gone, Twice As Hard, Sting Me, Good Friday, My Morning Song, Everybody I Love You^~, Feathers, She Gave Good Sunflower, Soul Singing, Thorn In My Pride, Remedy
e: Don't Do It
(^Chris guitar(1) - ~Rich shared lead vocals)
(The Buffalo Killers opened the show)
1437. October 6, 2007 - Grand Sierra Theatre - Reno, NV (Sat)
Wiser Time, Jealous Again, Comin' Home, Jam > Greasy Grass River, Girl From A Pawnshop, Soul Singing, Everybody I Love You^~, By Your Side, High Head Blues, Downtown Money Waster > Jam > Thorn In My Pride, Remedy
e: Oh Well
(^Chris guitar(1) - ~Rich shared lead vocals)
(The Buffalo Killers opened the show)
1438. October 7, 2007 - Orpheum Theatre - Los Angeles, CA (Sun)
(Only) Halfway To Everywhere, Sting Me, Twice As Hard, Cursed Diamond, Space Captain, Seeing Things, My Morning Song, Isn't It About Time^~, Wiser Time, Soul Singing > Thorn In My Pride, Remedy
e: Don't Do It^
(^Chris guitar(2) - ~Rich lead vocals)
(Last "Space Captain" 11-08-06 { }
(The Buffalo Killers opened the show)
1439. October 9, 2007 - House Of Blues - San Diego, CA (Tue)
No Speak No Slave, Sting Me, Jealous Again, Nebakanezer, Ballad In Urgency > Wiser Time, My Morning Song > Good Morning Little Schoolgirl Jam > My Mornign Song, Everybody I Love You^~, Nonfiction > Jam, By Your Side, Jam > Thorn In My Pride, Remedy
e: Shapes Of Things
(^Chris guitar(1) - ~Rich shared lead vocals)
(The Buffalo Killers opened the show)
1440. October 11, 2007 - The Pearl Concert Theater - Las Vegas, NV (Thu)
Don't Do It^, Sting Me, Jealous Again, Wiser Time, Sister Luck, My Morning Song, You Don't Miss Your Water^, High Head Blues, Sometimes Salvation, Downtown Money Waster > Jam > Thorn In My Pride, Hard To Handle
e: Oh Well
(^Chris guitar(2))
(The Buffalo Killers opened the show)
1441. October 12, 2007 - Grove of Anaheim - Anaheim, CA (Fri)
Virtue & Vice, Jam > Black Moon Creeping, Twice As Hard, Greasy Grass River, Bad Luck Blue Eyes Goodbye, My Morning Song, Good Friday, Comin' Home, She Gave Good Sunflower, Soul Singing, Wiser Time, Jam > Thorn In My Pride
e: Willin'
(80th show w/ Paul Stacey)
(The Buffalo Killers opened the show)
1442. October 13, 2007 - Pozo Saloon - Pozo, CA (Sat)
Wiser Time, Soul Singing, Sting Me, Cosmic Friend, Descending, My Morning Song, You Don't Miss Your Water^, Downtown Money Waster > Thorn In My Pride, Sister Luck, Jealous Again, Remedy
e: Can't You Hear Me Knocking
(^Chris guitar(1))
(The Buffalo Killers opened the show)
1443. October 16, 2007 - State Theater - Minneapolis, MN (Tue)
Don't Do It^, Sting Me, Twice As Hard, Jam > Black Moon Creeping, Seeing Things, My Morning Song, Sometimes Salvation, Ballad In Urgency > Wiser Time, Soul Singing > Thorn In My Pride, Remedy
e: Boomer's Story
(^Chris guitar(1) - Rich plays show in a chair)
(40th show w/ Adam MacDougall)
(The Buffalo Killers opened the show)
1444. October 18, 2007 - Riviera Theater - Chicago, IL (Thu)
No Speak No Slave > Gone, Jealous Again, Coming Home, Nonfiction > Jam, My Morning Song, She, Wiser Time, Soul Singing, Downtown Money Waster > Jam > Thorn In My Pride, Hard To Handle
e: Can't You Hear Me Knockin
(Last "She" 8-29-07 {23})
1445. October 19, 2007 - The Pageant - St. Louis, MO (Fri)
Jam > Waiting Guilty, Sting Me, Black Moon Jam > Black Moon Creeping, Twice As Hard, Good Friday, My Morning Song, Lost My Drivin' Wheel^, By Your Side, Soul Singing > Wiser Time > Thorn In My Pride, Virtue And Vice
e: Don't Do It^
(^Chris guitar (2))
(Last "Waiting Guilty" 11-8-06 {51})
(Last "Lost My Driving Wheel" 9-5-07 {19})
1446. October 20, 2007 - Mud Island Ampitheatre - Memphis, TN (Sat)
(Only) Halfway To Everywhere, Jam > Greasy Grass River, Sting Me, Jealous Again, Girl From A Pawnshop, My Morning Song, Ole Man Trouble, High Head Blues, Soul Singing, Wiser Time > Jam > Thorn In My Pride, Remedy
e: Dont Do It^
(^Chris guitar(1) - Rich plays show in a chair)
(Last "Ole Man Trouble" 8-12-07 {36})
(The Buffalo Killers opened the show)
1447. October 22, 2007 - Taft Theatre - Cincinnati, OH (Mon)
Virtue and Vice, Jam > Black Moon Creeping, Gone, Cypress Tree, Ballad In Urgency >
Wiser Time, My Morning Song, Good Friday, Coming Home, Sometimes Salvation, Jealous Again, Jam > Thorn In My Pride
e: Oh Well
(The Buffalo Killers opened the show)
1448. October 23, 2007 - Palace Theatre - Louisville, KY (Tue)
Wiser Time, Soul Singing, Sting Me, Twice As Hard, Welcome To The Goodtimes^, My Morning Song, Girl From The North Country^, Jealous Again, She Talks To Angels, Downtown Money Waster > Jam > Thorn In My Pride, Remedy
e: Yer Blues
(^Chris guitar(2) - Rich plays show in a chair)
(Last "Welcome to the Goodtimes" 9-1-07 {25})
(Last "Yer Blues" 9-20-06 {78})
(The Buffalo Killers opened the show)
1449. October 24, 2007 - Thomas Wolfe Auditorium - Asheville, NC (Wed)
(Only) Halfway To Everywhere, Greasy Grass River, Sting Me, Jealous Again, Descending, My Morning Song, Do Right Woman Do Right Man^, Nonfiction, Wiser Time, By Your Side, Jam > Thorn In My Pride, Remedy
e: Don't Do It^
(^Chris guitar(2) - Rich plays show in a chair)
(Last "Do Right Woman" 9-26-06 {75})
(The Buffalo Killers opened the show)
1450. October 26, 2007 - Palladium Ballroom - Dallas, TX (Fri)
Virtue And Vice, Jam > Black Moon Creeping, Cosmic Friend, Space Captain, Sister Luck, My Morning Song, You Don't Miss Your Water^, Soul Singing, Wiser Time, Downtown Money Waster > Thorn In My Pride, Hard To Handle
e: Boomer's Story
(^Chris guitar(1) - Rich plays show in a chair)
(The Buffalo Killers opened the show)
1451. October 27, 2007 - Riverdome @ Horseshoe Casino - Bossier City, LA (Sat)
Dont Do It, Sting Me, Jealous Again, Ballad In Urgency > Wiser Time, Good Friday, High Head Blues, Sometimes Salvation, Soul Singing, Thorn in My Pride, Remedy
e: Hard To Handle
1452. October 28, 2007 - City Park - New Orleans, LA (Sun)
No Speak No Slave, Jam > Black Moon Creeping, Gone, Jealous Again, Soul Singing, Wiser Time, Descending, High Head Blues, Jam > Thorn in my Pride
(Voodoo Music Festival)
(Crowesbase lists this shows as no stops between songs...??)
(Festival was broadcast Webcast Live)
1453. October 30, 2007 - United Palace Theater - New York, NY (Tue)
Waiting Guilty, (Only) Halfway to Everywhere, Sting Me, Twice As Hard, Seeing Things, My Morning Song, Feathers, She Gave Good Sunflower, Soul Singing > Wiser Time > Thorn In My Pride, Hard To Handle
e: Don't Do It
(Adam's 50th show)
(Patti Smith Band opened the show)
1454. October 31, 2007 - United Palace Theater - New York, NY (Wed)
Give Peace A Chance > Space Captain, Jam > Black Moon Creeping, Darling Of The Underground Press, Sister Luck, Another Roadside Tragedy, Nonfiction > Jam*, Ain't No More Cane On The Brazos^, Polly^, Girl From A Pawnshop, Jealous Again, Soul Singing, Wiser Time, Thorn In My Pride
e: Can't You Hear Me Knocking
(*w/ Pattie Smith - ^Chris guitar (2))
(Patti Smith Band opened the show)
(Rumors had the Crowes going on as The Crowmones before the show, but Ramones manager found dead the night before)
1455. November 2, 2007 - The Electric Factory - Philadelphia, PA (Fri)
No Speak No Slave, Sting Me , Cosmic Friend, Comin' Home, Ballad In Urgency > Wiser Time, My Morning Song, You Don't Miss Your Water^, Sometimes Salvation, Soul Singing > Thorn In My Pride, Remedy
e: Willin'
(^Chris guitar (1))
(Son Volt opened the show)
1456. November 3, 2007 - The Electric Factory - Philadelphia, PA (Sat)
Don't Do It^, Jealous Again, Hotel Illness, Greasy Grass River, Darling Of The Underground Press, Nonfiction > Jam, Ain't No More Cane On The Brazos^, Polly^, Mean Town Blues Jam > Thorn In My Pride, Virtue And Vice > Give Peace A Chance > Space Captain
e: Can't You Hear Me Knocking
(Paul Stacey's 95th & last show as lead)
(^Chris guitar (3))
(Son Volt opened the show)
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